I've somewhat tried blogging in the past. maybe have produced like 5 whole bloggs (myspace) but this here blogger page symbolically signifies postive changes in somethangs I cherish. (=
Thankful that I get to say that I am a fortunate individual. God has given me the pleasure to see some of the worlds most fascinating destinations and meet some of the worlds most elite. I have 100's of friends, maybe even 1,000's! My family as BIG or bigger than the Wayans, hahah and I believe just as funny. My past, something like black history, as I have endured hardships, sacrificed much and in turn became quite triumphant over my enemies.
Life doesn't just contain war, life is war.
Personally I feel that love is a battlefield and we are all playing the game. I've been told by the best ;} that bad company corrupts good character. Truth is......that statement is golden. I've grown up alot and have truely realized that life is a one time shot. Always knew that but it is easy to slip into "dream world mode" and forget about the importance of discipline.
Tonight as I sit in my office on the computer right now listening to Styles P My Life, I am exercising one discipline that I hold dear to me, writing. I can say today, wasn't my most productive day although making positive changes to bad habits, are always good for the soul. ;}
Overall, we had a blessed Sunday. I even got to watch the AMA's with 3 lovely young ladies and was inspired to the fullest! Music is truely my love. AMA's....we will be there!
I must say, now that I am finished with my 1st Blog =]......I feel a tad more progressive.
Sweetdreams to all,
-Danielle Collins